Saturday, 9 May 2020

How to lose belly fat.

6 tips to lose belly fat. 

Abdominal adipose tissue is not only an aesthetic problem, it is a significant risk factor for the development of a number of diseases, especially cardiovascular and type 2 diabetes.

If you are not sure if you have too much fat around your abdomen simply measure your belly circumference: if you are a man and your belly circumference exceeds 102 cm, or a woman with over 88 cm in belly, you are considered a person who has abdominal obesity.
In the following article, we bring you 6 simple and scientifically proven effective ways to get rid of excess fat around the abdomen:

1. Eliminate sugars and sugary drinks from your diet
We all know that sugars are unhealthy. Studies confirm that they have a number of negative effects on human health. All the excess sugar (which the body does not expend for energy production) in the liver is converted into adipose tissue and stored - and studies confirm that this fat is deposited primarily around the abdomen and liver. This in turn leads to insulin resistance and a number of metabolic problems.

The sugars in drinks are even worse - the brain does not register them as hard as solid sugars, but when you start drinking sweet drinks you just want more and more. Studies show that sugary drinks are associated with a 60% increase in the risk of obesity.

Therefore, minimize or completely eliminate sugary drinks from your diet and foods that have added sugars. Read the declarations and you will very quickly learn how to leave on the shelf everything that has unnecessary sugars that harm your health and contribute to weight gain.
2. Increased protein intake contributes to the reduction of adipose tissue in the long run
When it comes to losing extra weight, protein is very important. Studies show that protein reduces the feeling of hunger by 60%, speeds up metabolism by 80-100 calories a day and helps reduce the intake of an average of 441 calories a day. Therefore, anyone aiming to lose extra weight is advised to boost their protein intake.

A study conducted by Loenneke et al. showed that the amount and quality of protein we ingest was inversely related to adipose tissue in the abdominal area. So, if you eat more and better quality protein, you will have a lower risk of accumulating fat in the abdominal area.

Therefore, try to increase the proportion of protein in your diet: eggs, fish, meat, dairy products, legumes and nuts should be a must on your plate. Also, if you find it difficult to get enough protein in your diet, protein supplements are a great solution to supplement your diet and achieve your desired daily protein intake.
3. Reduce your carb intake
Reducing carbohydrate intake is one of the most reliable ways to lose extra pounds. A study conducted by McClernon et al. has shown that reducing carbohydrate intake also reduces the feeling of hunger. Also, 2-3 times higher efficiency of low-carb diet compared to low-fat diet in fat loss has been confirmed.

In addition, low-carb diets have been shown to be extremely effective in losing fat in the abdomen (around the organs), which is extremely dangerous to health, according to Gower and Goss.

Just avoiding refined carbohydrates (sugars, sweets, bread and bakery products) will bring positive results, and if you increase protein intake, the results will be noticeable very quickly.

4. Eat foods rich in fiber
Dietary fiber is most often indigestible, and their consumption is associated with good digestion and weight loss. But when choosing fibers, one should also keep in mind their differences: preference should be given to soluble and viscous fibers, if the goal is to lose extra pounds, according to Chutkan et al.

Namely, these fibers absorb water and form a certain type of gel that "sits" in the intestines. This gel slows down the passage of food through the digestive tract and the absorption of nutrients. The result is a prolonged feeling of satiety and lack of appetite leading to an overall reduced caloric intake, one of the prerequisites for weight loss.

A study conducted by Howarth et al. showed that an increase in daily fiber intake by 14 grams was associated with a 10% reduction in caloric intake and a loss of 2 pounds over a 4-month period.

The best way to increase your dietary fiber intake is to increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. Also, legumes and heavy grains, especially oats, are a good source of fiber. Of the dietary supplements, it is advisable to take glucomannan, which has been proven to contribute to weight loss
5. Exercise is extremely effective in removing belly fat
Regular physical activity is important for several reasons, and among them are better health, lower risk of disease, healthy weight and better appearance. Since there is no training, activity or exercise that can remove fat only from the abdomen or some other critical point, exercise is effective in the overall process of losing weight and reducing the proportion of fat.

No matter what physical activity you do, from walking, running, cycling, aerobics, fitness or some other sports activity, you will increase calorie consumption and thus facilitate weight loss. In addition, physical activity reduces inflammatory processes, regulates blood sugar levels and a number of other metabolic imbalances associated with abdominal adipose tissue.

6. Keep a diet diary to get an insight into what and how much you eat in a day
It is clear to all of us how important it is to eat and drink during the day. But many at the end of the day have no idea how much food they have ingested, whether it is too much or too little, and how much their diet affects their health and appearance.

To get an idea of ​​what your diet really is and whether you are eating something too small or too much, we advise you to keep a diet diary. After only 7 days of keeping a diary, you will be able to gain insight into your diet and make the necessary corrections.

To make it easier for you to measure, use our meal calorie calculator and you will easily get a calculation of whether you eat too much or too little and which nutrients you are missing or have too many.

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